See, I'm a good girl. I wait till the very last day of the year to review 2009 as it happened to me. Not like the articles you see in newspapers and magazines, which basically ignore whatever happens in the latter half of December, because they cant meet their deadlines otherwise. So here goes...
Plus: Promotion! For what its worth, I am thrilled to have got it. Even though I am flummoxed when people ask me 'So what are your new responsibilities?' or 'So who's reporting to you now?'. Er..
Plus: I have stood on my head. And I can report that the view is infinitely better the other way round.
Plus: The cauldron doth boil and toil. The other Two Witches at work are alive and well. And kicking. Bless them! Simply cannot face work without them.
Plus: La dolce vita in bella Italia! And the Golden Temple. Definitely worth going to Punjab for!
Plus: I love love love 'aqua con gas'. Tastes better than anything else on earth.
Plus: New friends, particularly my Man United loving pal from the UK, who makes it that much easier to get through the day, and who also brings me stuff from...
Plus: ...the wonderful and miraculous eBay UK! Completely engrossing and addictive. Where else can one find old Enid Blytons, discounted perfumes and all manner of completely desirable things.
Plus: Facebook, Gossip Girl, Rapidshare. Tremendous contribution to my life and to the internet bill.
Plus: Lady Gaga, Amy Winehouse and indie music (maybe a little too much indie music).
Plus: I dont seem to have put on any weight. Tra la!
Minus: I dont seem to have lost any weight. Its becoming my holy grail. Unhealthy.
Minus: Cant get no water with gas in India.
Minus: Lady Gaga. She gave me many an ear worm. So bloody hard to shake off.
Minus: I kind of lost one of my best friends. Not in a mortal sense, but in that we're no longer best friends. Just people who once knew each other. Which is definitely sad.
Minus: I didnt get to go on some other trips because I was the only female in the group. Grrr.
Minus: Didnt make it to page 3 even in Thinathanthi. More grrrrr.
A most splendiferous new year to all of my incalculably vast reading public!
All in all.. a very nice year...says one of the witches!!!!
Very nice read!!!
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