Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Highs and Lows of 2010



The boyfriend turned fiance.

My gang at the office. My stalwart Google Talk pals.

High-speed broadband internet. What does one need a TV for?

The morning-after blogs. Love this new genre of TV show blogs. Often fascinating, always funny.


The Times going behind the paywall.

One of my authors accusing me of spoiling and ruining beyond repair his near-perfect jewel of a textbook.

Liverpool FC and Michael Schumacher. Next season had better be bloody brilliant.

Amethyst, as we know it, will be gone soon.

Retail. Its astonishing/depressing how much tat is sold at sky-high prices.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The highs far out weigh the lows..so you did have a good year Mad Hatter!!!