Monday, June 23, 2008

Drool - different kinds of

If Sherlock Holmes can write a monograph on 28 different kinds of cigar ash I dont see why I cant have a go at different kinds of drool. in my own fashion obviously. I'm not that grandiose in my ambition either. I only know two kinds: dog drool and nephew drool.
Dog drool only becomes apparent in the presence of food. It is thick and gloopy and ages to scrub off the floor. And, my grandmother's biggest fear is that she's going to slip on it and break her leg. Poor dog gets scolded and shooed out of rooms on account of drool.
Nephew drool is apparent 24/7. No real stimuli required. Drool production is continuous and doesnt ever seem to let up. The drool as such is quite thin and runny but since nephew is allowed extraordinary licence with respect to furniture, no part of drool ever reaches the floor - it lands on sofas, cushions, bedsheets, tables, chairs, what have you. Is nephew scolded and shooed out of room on account of drool. No. People coo over him and think its cute.
Human beings are full of double standards arent they?

Houston, we have a problem

OK. I'm not sure how many of my friends even read my blog (we wont even think about the non-friends) but I need some help. My Big Boss spies on me. Well, not just me of course, but everyone in this team on this floor. You see, we have a room all to ourselves - light, airy, beautiful view of gul mohars out of the window and unfortunately, even more beautiful view from the corridor right into the room. And even more specifically, of my monitor. The Big Boss, aka The Prowler (for obvious reasons), has somehow taken it into his head to climb stealthily up the stairs and have a good long look at the inmates of the room. In fact, he sometimes lingers long enough to take in entire chat conversations I think. Ah, you see, this is the problem. Like everyone else, I dont 'work' all the time. I like to take breaks. And I seem to have the worst timing with my breaks as far as The Prowler is concerned. Everytime I take one, he's outside prowling away. Sometimes I think he does it to liven things up for himself, for you never can tell what I might be looking at - a newspaper, fwds, email, chat. I once even caught him taking a peek when I had a 360 degree view of the Chelsea Flower Show going. Nowadays I'm so jumpy I think I'm well on my way to a strained neck because I turn around every time I hear the smallest noise on the corridor. Its most unnerving, not to mention rather tiresome. Right, so how do I tackle this? Should I write to NASA? The CIA? The KGB? Suggestions please!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Summer movie hell

This summer is turning out to be one of the worst as far as movies are concerned. Thus far I have notched up three awful movies in a row. Not just bad movies that one can shrug off but groan-all-the-way-through-it, tear-your-hair-out-from-frustration movies.
First up was Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. I was probably not the right audience for this movie, never having seen any of the earilier movies in this franchise, but anyway, I'm always up for a good laugh even if it is the silly kind. This film was rather short on laughs and sadly long on ridiculous plots, tedious explanations of the aforementioned ridiculous plots and general entertainment. This was my first Harrison Ford movie and while I'm not a fan I dont dislike him either. I've loved Shia LeBoef since his Even Stevens days and he was competant enough in this movie. Cate Blanchett was fun as the Russian agent - such a throwback, isnt it? KGB agents. That was part of a different world. Anyway, one can put up with incomprehensible story lines and bending of the laws of physics and similar but I will not be fobbed off with bloody Martians. I think thats just lazy and real insult to our intelligence.
Sex and the City, the following weekend, made Indiana Jones look like an Oscar-worthy film. The four women were nightmares: silly, shallow, sentimental, self-centred, completely materialistic, not to mention just plain stupid. Felt ashamed to be female actually. It was that bad!
Finally, The Happening. Poor Shyamalan. Someone should sit him down and tell him to stop making rubbish movies. He seems to have lost touch with reality. Mark Whalberg as a schoolteacher was quite hard to swallow. But at least he seemed to genuinely care about what was happening in the film. The rest of the cast was just bonkers or plain bad. But on the plus side, the movie was short (unlike Sex and the City) and didnt feature Martians (unlike Indiana Jones) and for that I am very grateful.
So if The Incredible Hulk is released this weekend, that gives me the chance to extend this bad summer movie list to 4 in a row. When I was young, I once read this fairy tale about a tailor who killed 7 flies with one stroke. Paraphrasing that a little, I wonder if I can make this the 7 in a row summer.